Thursday, May 14, 2009


Death and life.

Given the choice of living forever or dying, I am undecided.

I mean, it'd would be great seeing how the world turns out.
See how far we get with technology. Whether we could fit a laptop inside an ipod and fit an ipod inside our head and fit our head inside the nearest empty receptacle.

Then the earth would explode. I assume at some point it's going to explode.
Scenario: The last person on Earth, has a devastatingly powerful new technology bomb (that can fit inside a cowboy hat).
Does she press the button to blow the world up?

But on the downside of living for the rest of existence (there must be one, popular culture has explained to me the pains of living forever), once the world gets old and blows up thanks to Miss OK Coral and her button-pressing ways, there isn't much to do except drift around space.

But then again, what I'm gonna do when I die is drift around space as a soul and zoom about to see all of the star clusters and nebulae and all those pretty space things anyway.

So in conclusion, death and life.

{ o o }

Is what an elephant would look like if he dressed up as a ghost on halloween.

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